History of complaining about moral decay of the younger generation
800 BC Complains about Youth Lacking Discipline
8000 years of civilization-threatening anti-social behavior
History of fear-mongering over a "gender crisis"
Every Generation of Mormons believe that they are the witnessing the last Generation before Christ's return
Why we fall for the "worst generation" argument
In 1949, surveys asked “Do you think that over the last few decades our society has become less honest and ethical in its behavior, more honest and ethical, or has there been no change?” On 84 percent of the questions, a majority of participants said morality had declined.
Yet, when perception of ethical behavior is measured over generations, there is little change.
Meanwhile, America gets rid of racism and violent crime steadily drops...
Why do people fall for these arguments of moral decline? Its because of cognitive biases.
"We know from previous studies that humans pay more attention to negative information than to positive information, and the media reinforces that tendency by focusing on bad news."