1. What do you think the difference is between Education & Indoctrination or Brainwashing?
2. Is all Indoctrination or Brainwashing bad? Why?
Discuss and please give examples, don't just make statements.
In the "no free will" sense, education and brainwashing are pretty similar, education is just social conditioning that we subjectively like, brainwashing is just social conditioning that we dislike.
In the evolutionary sense, I think education is oriented towards progress, where brainwashing is oriented towards preservation. Education is about learning for the purpose of growing in knowledge; brainwashing is about learning for the purpose of growing in belief. The focus on knowledge allows for exploration, critique, and new discovery. The focus on belief invites circular reasoning, repetition, and biased consumption of information. The focus on belief forbids exploration, critique, and new discovery.
Under this paradigm, I don't think that brainwashing would necessarily be bad. It would depend on the true danger of progress or new ideas. If new ideas were truly net dangerous to collective wellbeing, then perhaps brainwashing would be morally justified.