Endogenous retrovirus evidence alone proves macroevolution is real. Retroviruses are viruses that inject themselves into the host's DNA, providing evidence of a foreign DNA pattern in the location of injection. The interesting thing about retrovirus evidence is that sometimes this DNA infects the gametes (sperm or egg) and then that foreign DNA injection is passed on to the next generation. The child then grows up with virus DNA and passes it down to the next generation. This means that virus DNA becomes a permanent part of an entire lineage. The virus DNA injection provides a very specific pattern, at a very specific injection point. This is like a VERY secure password. ALL DESCENDENTS have the same password, and hence we know all the descendants SHARE AN ANSCESTOR. Guess what? This virus DNA transcends species. We can see virus DNA shared amongst primate relatives and humans PROVING that we had a common ancestor that got infected (i.e. macroevolution). Having these very secure molecular passwords being found in the same location within another species is like finding the fingerprints of macroevolution at the evolutionary crime scene. How strong is retrovirus evidence? There are so many instances of viral infections in the DNA of so many species, that it is beyond doubt that many different species macroevolved from the same infected ancestors.
Endogenous retrovirus evidence is just ONE example of evidence for macroevolution, and it is utterly irrefutable. But there are MORE.
Over 500 arguments debunking Creationist claims - https://www.talkorigins.org/indexcc/list.html?fbclid=IwAR3mY9hECCd5Bd7H4aEmHvJ-xb12jL37FkW0Fjj_G40Q_5i6Nr6mLrldq-w
29+ Evidences for Macroevolution - https://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/comdesc/
Simple Explanation of Retrovirus Evidence - https://youtu.be/oXfDF5Ew3Gc
Intelligent Design Losing in a Court of Law - https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/opinions/2005/12/25/summarizing-the-judgment-on-intelligent-design/a3b1ad09-1120-4b48-9899-7a0e60d331ae/
Evolution-denial is modern heliocentrism-denial. The earth is not the divinely appointed center of the universe, and all you have to do is look into a telescope at the planets to realize this. Similarly, humanity isn't genetically separate from the animals, and all you have to do is look in a microscope at our DNA to realize this. It takes a certain level of maturity to stop telling ourselves stories about how special we are.
If microevolution exists then macroevolution exists, unless you can PROVE that there exists some threshold at which some MAGICAL force intervenes and stops the addition of additional mutations. There is no BARRIER to macroevolution.
They operate on "great man" epistemologies where the source of truth is inside the credibility of one man, like a prophet. They project their epistemology onto others and incorrectly assume that Darwin is our prophet. They think if they debunk Darwin that have destabilized evolution, since they believe everything rests on his credibility.
Unicellularity to Multicellularity:
Evolution is a brutal process of almost maximal suffering, which contradicts God's omnibenevolence.
Evolution is an extremely slow, clumsy and error prone method of creation, which contradicts God's omniscience and omnipotence.
Evolution implies death before the fall, which negates the need for an atonement and a savior.
Evolution contradicts all 3 accounts of creation in Genesis, Moses, and Abraham, as plants were not created before the sun, plants were not the first organisms, birds did not come before mammals, etc.
Creation narratives claim creation happened in 6 days, but trying to stretch this out to 6 ages doesn't make sense as it violates the original language of the text and it doesn't coherently map on to 6 ages of evolution since it obviously misses the age of the dinosaurs and the ice age, etc.
Creation narratives claim that God commanded life to reproduce after their kinds, but this contradicts evolution as evolution is about reproducing into a new kind.