Everyone seems to be aware that the other team's media is biased, yet have a blindspot towards their own team's media. Bias is a human condition, not a "them" condition. To what extent you are biased, your perspective of the truth is corrupt. You cannot truly be a good person unless you have an accurate understanding of reality. Therefore, it is in your interest to remove as much blindness from yourself as possible. How much of your own biases are you feeding? Do you actively try to fight your biases, or do you make excuses for them, or even magnify them? What does your digital environment look like? Have you unfriended someone because their politics upset you? Do you only follow people that magnify your bias, or do you actively listen to opposite perspectives (even those that trigger you) to make sure you are exposed to a broad range of ideas?
If you don't understand why in 2016 Trump happened, you have work to do. If you don't understand why in 2020 Biden happened, you have some work to do. We need open dialogue, empathy, understanding, and nuance to navigate this polarized landscape. If you are quick to demonize the other side, you are apart of the polarization problem. If you are quick to lump everyone on the other side together into this blob of rioters or racists, cheaters or conspiracy nut jobs, you are a part of the polarization problem. If you judge millions of people purely by their political identity, you are a part of the problem. We need to stop collectivising our outrage and only apply our outrage at the level of the individual as evidence accrues. We must maintain a presumption of innocence until proven guilty. Justice must be applied to individuals, not groups. That is what America is about. The moment we collectivize guilt and seek revenge on groups is the day justice dies.
The art of rape of minds:
The Titanic had about 2,230 people on it. Only 706 people were rescued, meaning that 1,524 people died.
In the events of the film, almost all of the people died due to drowning, while the hero of the film died hours later, due to the coldness of the water and not from drowning.
Most of those who watched this movie did not feel any kind of sympathy for the hundreds who appeared in the movie drowning, although most of them are women and children, and the wish of every person who watched this movie was for the hero and heroine to live and escape from drowning!
But did you ask yourself why you felt sympathy for the hero (a thief, a booze addict, a gambler) and did not sympathize with the hundreds of women, children, and elderly people who appeared drowning in the movie?
The director was able to highlight only the hero and the heroine, as if they were the only ones on board the ship, and he made you love and sympathize with them despite all their faults, and at the same time forget the children and women who drowned around him as if they did not exist!
_ Conclusion :
This is how the media manipulates us every day, highlighting what it wants according to its political, sectarian, regional or material vision, and not from the angle of truth, whether it is for him or against him. In our world today in the east and west of the earth, you can only see the scene from its own angle, but the truth is something else.
This is the art of rape