The way I see it, Jordan Peterson is very sensitive to what he perceives as "malevolent cultural authoritarians" (Postmodern Neo-Marxists) and is afraid of them pressuring and coercing everyone into agreeing with their corrupt standards of insincere virtue with weaponized tolerance. He views himself as one of the few wisemen that can see the dangerous direction the cultural authoritarians want to take society. He views it as his moral obligation to be the hero that resists these cultural authoritarians.
Me personally, I don't really believe in "malevolent cultural authoritarians" (or at least am not convinced they play a major role behind this Sports Illustrated cover) so I don't see a huge danger here. But I am not as educated on the atrocities of the past as Peterson. I am not even close to as well-versed in the relevant science as Jordan Peterson. To me, it seems like Jordan is battling the demonic phantoms of his overactive imagination. But perhaps I am the fool, and he is the one who sees what I don't.
But even if Jordan Peterson is right and there is a group of malevolent people attempting to manipulate the masses with their ever-increasing scope of virtue signaling social engineering, Jordan Peterson's tweet still misses the mark by falling to target his true enemies, but instead makes Yumi Nu, and all those who sympathize with her, his target.
Further, Jordan's tweet seems to imply an implicit objective standard for beauty, of which he feels justified in being the authority for making such objective judgements. Jordan seems to commit the same sin he seems intent on rebuffing - authoritarian declarations of value. To me, it seems obvious that beauty is in the eye of the beholder and that we all have different judgements as to what is beautiful. There may be large intersubjective agreement that follows certain patterns but trying to claim that different types of beauty are objectively "not beautiful" seems to deny the existence of the groups of people who DO find this type of woman beautiful.
I feel for Jordan. I hope his health is doing well. I understand we all have different triggers. This doesn't seem like him at his best. I hope he learns that Twitter is not the right medium for this type of communication. I believe Jordan Peterson's true enemies are not these women but are the malevolent cultural authoritarians that he believes exist. Twitter is designed for simple-minded communication that can be reduced to a few small sentences. For an issue as complex as the one Jordan seems intent on addressing, he should know that a Tweet that inherently lacks nuance is not the right medium for this fight.