Your preference of media shows your theological bias.
Western superheroes often have a Protestant theological bias - they are as the angels, permanently placed in their rank of power and authority, with no room for progression. Superman is always Superman. Spiderman is always Spiderman. Batman is always Batman. Very limited leveling up and power scaling.
Interestingly, east Asian superheroes have a Mormon theological bias. I believe this is because eastern religions are actually quite similar to Mormonism. They believe that there is a hierarchy among the gods, and gods can "cultivate" (Asian religious concept) or "learn, grow, and progress" (Mormon concept) such that their is no limit to their ability to level up and power scale.
This is why top anime like DBZ, Naruto, and One Piece have plot issues where the characters are constantly evolving and growing in power that it starts to become absurd and unrelatable, when they can blow up planets etc. But that is basically the bias of being able to progress to Godhood.
Video games fall under the same dichotomy - progression vs. stasis. Some video games embrace the concept of "eternal" leveling up, such that you become "god-like" when you trample those of a lower level (RPG, MOBA).
Other video games embrace more of a stasis, where there is little power scaling, and you are just supposed to perfect the art of the static skills you eternally possess (first-person shooters).
What does your media preference show about your theological biases?