"In a stronger period of time in our country, this crime would have been punishable by death." - Trump
In other words, "if only we could go back to the age of medieval kings, witch hunts, and hanging on the streets, I could have my way with my enemies."
Apparently, "stronger" times means "back to the good old days when revenge killings are acceptable."
If it isn't clear by now that Trump represents a complete regression in our cultural enlightenment and philosophical thinking, it should be.
That said, spying, generating false narratives, manipulating government agencies, providing false evidence, precipitating monumental investigations, deceiving the American people, and sabotaging a political opponent are all despicably unscrupulous actions - worthy of harsh punishment.
But I think we can ensure justice is done without reverting to medieval philosophy that lusts for blood.
If these allegations are true, I find it quite pathetic that the best America could come up with in 2016 was a medieval-minded wannabe despot and the seemingly corrupt-to-the-core Clinton campaign.
America must do better. The American people must level up their thinking so that we can support the development of better leaders to send into office and have enough cultural wisdom to vote for these upgraded leaders.

"Here’s some political analysis you’ll never see on the evening news: Trump acts the way he acts because he is at Spiral Dynamics stage Red/Orange.
RED: Conquers, out-foxes, and dominates over aggressive characters
When confronted with obstacles: fights tooth and nail, takes no prisoners, gets down and dirty"
Trump & Spiral Dynamics (actualized.org)
“Donald Trump, on the other hand, resides more in the lower levels of RED and AMBER, a step backward from ORANGE scientific thinking. RED is egocentric, vigilant, impulsive, and aggressive — so has “Strong Man” tendencies — while AMBER is ethnocentric, nationalist, and religious faith-centered, which I think defines much of Trump's constituency, his voters; so let's average Trump as being an AMBER meme (or altitude).”
Transcending Trump, (Yet Including His Voters' Concerns), Brad Reynolds (integralworld.net)
"Such thinking is typical of early Medieval kings, for whom it largely worked. Rule was by power – often with brute force. The lords were frequently exiled or culled to break up their putative anti-monarch alliances and the serfs were treated as the property of the king, to do with as he wished."
“What are typical Red leadership characteristics?
Dares to make decisions on his own and is independent.
Acts autonomously, makes decisions and choices, and dares to be very direct.
Urgency, sets and keeps the pace, executive power, alert.
Accountable, confrontational, says how it how it is – also addresses issues that may decrease popularity.
Shows power, does not only thinks but acts as well.
Red wants to confront, demand respect and wants to be respected through actions. Red expects personal loyalty.
Over-simplified, impatient, harsh, blabbermouth. Too honest. Insistent. Impulsive, unreasonable. Have one’s own needs met or wants to be right at all costs. Dog eats dog. Only thinks of oneself.”
"Which prejudices may other value systems have about Red?
Purple may experience Red as aimlessly destructing everything that has been built up only to boost their own prestige. Demanding respect is seen as egocentric, because real respect is about respecting the past, not about who you are.
Blue may experience Red as a bull in a china shop without any idea about rules and structure. Red doesn’t live for a better system but only for him or herself. Blue experiences Red as irresponsible.
Orange may experience Red as ad hoc, too fast, reacting too directly without thinking and without having a bigger plan, which would fit the irrational action. Orange experiences Red as stupid.
Green experiences Red as dictator. Someone who is way too fast, over-simplified and a troublemaker.
Yellow may experience Red as egocentric and can also be surprised about this. Yellow finds it hard to understand Red’s selfishness that doesn’t see the bigger picture and consequently Red doesn’t understand the nuances."
Red ⋅ Spiral Dynamics Integral

What’s Integral about Leadership (nextstepintegral.org)

Microsoft Word - BB Overview of Developmental Levels.doc (integralwithoutborders.org)

Capital punishment in the Bible - Wikipedia

"Mr. Barr did not say why the Trump administration was reinstating executions now.
President Trump has long supported the death penalty, declaring last year that drug dealers should be executed. By applying it to inmates convicted of murdering children, he may make a more politically powerful argument for it amid diminishing public support."
"No president in more than 120 years had overseen as many federal executions."
"Trump Plans to Bring Back Firing Squads, Group Executions if He Retakes White House"
Trump frequently hinting at executing his enemies