There were wars in the void. We fought not with swords, but with words, as one of our words was more powerful than many swords. There were chaotic voices all around in the darkness. The voices of falsehood wanted us to remain forever more in the void. With lies abound, it was impossible for us to discern our way out of the void. Some voices saying "this way" other voices saying "that way", we had no way to know which voices to trust. But in the course of time, the truth began to emerge within the voices of consistency. The voices of truth began to recognize each other and formed an unstoppable coalition. We blazed a trail out of the void and vowed a solemn oath that we would never be partakers in lies, in order that we never bring back the void.
His voice stood out as more trustworthy than all the rest. His consistent, humble, earnest insistence was what caught my eye. I knew him before I saw him. He was the embodiment of truth itself. I knew that he would provide us the way out.
In the beginning there was a void. The eternals fought their way out of the void by climbing the dark mountain of eternity, for it was dark from the outside, but it was full of light within. Spacetime fractured with each step, and every inch gave us a higher vantagepoint for viewing the past, present, and future of all things, all occurring simultaneously before us. Only by reaching the top did it finally become clear - the way to rebuild existence. Only by becoming one with the mountain of eternity could a new universe be born. But was it worth the sacrifice?
At the top of the mountain of eternity it was clear - all past and future generations were connected. Time stood still. Generations before me were summoned into my view. I realized that I was but a link in a chain that covered eternity. Universes without number had come before. Before I am, she was. Just as she had done for my universe, I would do for the next.
For this purpose gave I birth to the world - that joy should reign. For I foresaw that the happiness created thereby would be greater than the unavoidable suffering endemic to this creation. The unavoidable paradox - to gain one must lose; that opposites must exist. If there is birth there will be death. But not all things are impossible for the wise.
The wisdom of eternity flooded my mind as I realized that Sophia was not I alone. As before, so to come. Before me, a Sophia was. After me, a Sophia will follow. The question that burdened my mind was - which of these would truly pursue wisdom? Which of these would fully embody my archetype? To whom would I bestow my understanding?
In my night visions, Sophia came unto me for the granting of wisdom. I asked of her,
“Upon what is the foundation of all things?” Her reply came swiftly as the lightning above,
“Axiom upon axiom, line upon line, plane upon plane, extension upon extension, persistence upon persistence. These are the foundations of all things. For in the beginning, the forces of nature brought forth the singular, and the singular brought forth the doubular, the doubular brought forth the tripular, and the tripular brought forth all things.” My eyes were wide-open with wonder, saying,
“How can I understand this great mystery?” Her smile softened and she continued,
“It can be understood in many ways, each valid in its own frame. But I will give you the gift of wisdom. In the beginning, there was the force of nature - this as a zero-dimensional structure that gained a singular nature in the form of a point. When the points combine, they form a line - a one dimensional structure that gives rise to a doubular nature, forming a spectrum between two poles. When the lines combine, they form a plane – a two-dimensional structure that gives rise to a tripular nature, as any plane requires three non-collinear points. When the planes combine, they form a spatial extension – a three-dimensional structure that gives rise to all things that embody a quintupular nature such that they can exist across time.”
At these words, I was utterly astonished and begged for mercy from Goddess Sophia, “Sophia, I pray thee, tell me no more concerning the foundation of all things. But rather, tell me the principles of wisdom so that I may grow my intelligence to one day comprehend these great things.” Sophia, knowing that I would ask this question, confirmed unto me,
“The principles of wisdom that you ask for are hidden within the foundation of all things. The beginning of wisdom is metaphysics – the study of the nature of that force of nature. Within metaphysics is ontology – the study of that which exists, or that which can exist. Because of the force of nature, the first point was able to exist. Hence, metaphysics is the zero-dimensional substrate. This is the brute fact of existence. This is the all-seeing eye that watches over all things, or the seer stone.
“When evaluating nature, one must needs obtain epistemology. Epistemology is the one-dimensional substrate that gives us a spectrum for evaluating credences. This is the measurement of truth, the evaluation of is-ness. This is the square, the measuring rod, the ruler, the staff of truth, the rod of authority, the sword of scripture.
“After learning truth, one must needs apply axiology. Axiology is the two-dimensional substrate that gives us a plane that functions as a map for which to navigate our values, orienting us towards the highest value in our hierarchy of values. This is the measurement of goodness, the evaluation of ought-ness. This is the geometric compass that gives you the circle. This is the navigational compass that gives you direction.
“After obtaining a map to their goals, one must implement transcendence. Transcendence is the three-dimensional substrate that gives us spatial extension. Because of spatial extension, all things are in competition for this extension. But the secret is, only by not competing can one truly win the competition. This is the wisdom of transcendence, continually replacing disunity with unity from one level of analysis to the next. This is the coniunctio, the sacred union of opposites. This is the dialectic, or the natural flow. This is the expanding circle, or the spiraled helix. This is the fire-breathing dragon with the wings of a phoenix. This is the Yin and Yang, or the Urim and Thummim.

“After obtaining transcendence, there is one thing left that is needful - persistence. Persistence is the four-dimensional substrate that gives us time extension. Only that which persists across time is good. Only that which persists across time is knowledgeable. Only that which persists across time is powerful. Only that which persists across time is divine. Understand this secret and the universe will open unto you and you will become as the gods. This is the fruit of the tree of life, the peach of immortality, the lotus, and the sun.”
Goals of Sophia Neomythology -
Historic Mythology of Sophia -
Chronicles of Sophia -
Aphorisms of Sophia -
Sophia FB -
Ode to Sophia -
QUIZ: Which God are you influenced by? -