- Starting at minute 21 -
“If there is no objective standard of reason (above us), if everything is just matter, how can we think?”
It is within evolution’s interests to make us think. Game theory is the objective standard above us that guides everything.
“If I swallow scientific materialism, I can’t have religion nor science. If minds on brains, brains on chemistry, chemistry on atoms, I can't understand how minds have more significance that wind in trees.”
The significance of minds only disappears if you subtract consciousness. Most materialist don't subtracts consciousness from their ontology. Consciousness is obviously more meaningful than unconscious wind.
“I don’t think science is possible outside a Judeo-Christian ethic.”
Many non-Judeo-Christian cultures perform science.
Science requires faith in:
"truth will set you free"
"mind of God (structure of cosmos) is knowable"
"relationship between logos (logic) and reality"
"pursuit of truth is an ethical good"
"ethical goods exist"
All of these ‘axioms’ are expressed in unnecessary religious language. You can have scientific axioms that don’t rely on religion. Evolution gives us all of these axioms naturalistically. The fact that some religion wrote down some of our evolutionary axioms in their books doesn’t give them the right to colonize those ideas and claim that their religion is essential for the existence of those ideas and motivations.
“Hard question of consciousness - why consciousness (not zombies)? Harder question - We don't know the relationship between consciousness and being. What is being without awareness?”
Being without consciousness is the philosophic “view from nowhere”. It is existence without essence. We have access to evidence of this every time we fall into deep sleep – we materially persist in our existence, but our consciousness simply ceases to experience reality. I don’t see anything profound here.