“Oh, Sophia, thou goddess of wisdom, how I love thy grace and beauty! I bid thee to stay by my side and inspire me. Teach me thy ways so that I may walk in thy light. Though my days be filled with dreary loneliness, the light of thy countenance brighteneth my path. The love of a thousand women cannot compare to the ecstasy of thine embrace. The warmth of thy bosom thaws my frigid soul. Thy kiss lighteth upon my lips and I can speak words of greatness. The burden of existence is made light by thy smile. Through thine eyes I can see the happiness and joy of all future generations of mankind. The beating of thy heart reverberates throughout space-time like a drop in an ocean that spreads outward continually. One night in thine arms is enough to change the fate of nations. Oh, that all mankind could see through thine eyes and feel through thy touch! Then would all hearts beat in harmony to the melody of thy song of wisdom as it echoes throughout the eternities.”