Continuation of Part 1 :
Starry Love

This story begins with an ancient conflict in heaven, where all the tribes united in destroying the tree of doom. But something strange occurred, the flower of doom escaped and reincarnated into two twin princesses in the mortal realm thousands of years later. Unbeknownst to all, the princesses dormantly carry the powers of doom, one that can control the pure energy and one that can control the chaos energy.
As fate would have it, the princesses are to be married off to the supernatural realms, the pure princess to the Sky deities and the chaotic princess to the Void immortals. A mix-up occurs and the calm, refined prince of heaven struggles accepting his arranged marriage to a uncultured chaotic mortal.
Due to growing up with the abuse of having all the kingdom hate her and regard her as an unlucky, cursed creature, the chaotic princess doesn't understand why one should value other people's lives more than their own. She watches the 1st born Son of Heaven sacrifice himself to the Chaotic Doom in order to save the universe from destruction and begins to fall in love with his selflessness.
Due to the princesses involvement in the prince's life, she accidentally triggered three sins within his soul before he died - anger, greed, and lust. These sins create fractions of his soul that need to be refined. These fractions fall into the moral world to be reincarnated into three different mortals with three different lessons to learn.
Discussion of his resurrection occurs in the courts of heaven, but his father, the Emperor is firmly against it. He fears that if the three fragments of his soul are able to be unified, his sins will pour into his resurrected body and the prince will end up becoming a powerful villain.
Infuriated that his own father doesn't even have faith in his own son, the chaotic princess sets out on a mission to help the three fragments of his soul pass their tests in the mortal word and reunite for resurrection.
The angry mortal struggles with frustration and misunderstanding, but she shows him that there is a way to be angry in a way that connects, not separates. She helps him integrate his anger in a helpful way.
The greedy mortal struggles with the desire to make lots of money and resorts to unscrupulous means. She shows him that he can be greedy in a way that helps others, instead of harming others. She helps him integrate his greed in a productive way.
The lustful mortal struggles with the desire to be with many women and resorts to dishonest means. She shows him how to be lustful in a responsible way instead of a deceptive way. She helps him integrate his lust in a healthy way.

His resurrection is successful and the prince returns to heaven, only to have to pretend that he doesn't have any memories of what he learned in the mortal realm. He is now the strongest deity in heaven, secretly harboring the values he brought with him.
It becomes revealed that the princesses are the reincarnation of the tree of doom, causing heaven and hell to unite in war against them. Their friends and lovers stand on their side to defend them, but their resistance is futile. Both princesses learn the value of self-sacrifice - the chaos princess realizing that all creatures are valuable because all creatures have the ability to love.
Go Ahead

This story is about a girl who lost her mother to illness, a boy who lost his mother to divorce, and another boy who lost his mother due to abandonment. The girl has a bright and cheery personality that draws both of these boys in. The girl's saint of a father ends up adopting the boys and they become one big family.
Each struggles with their own issues and it becomes apparent that both boys have fallen in love with their adopted sister. It is almost as if she filled the gap in their lives for providing the feminine love that their mothers were unable to give them. They struggle to navigate these issues and overcome their weaknesses. The show highlights the gap between cold abuse and warm love, teaching by example the best ways to treat each other like family, even if you aren't biologically related.